GFFC-EFAS Travelling Fellowship

This Fellowship is an opportunity for a Foot and Ankle Surgeon in Training given by the GFFC to spend three week in Germany, travelling through three centers, Lübeck; Mainz and Munich.
This Fellowship will be on the last three weeks of November 2023 and will end with the participation GFFC Congress in Munich on the first Weekend of December.
The grant is worth 1000 Euro and sponsored by CurveBeam AI. The Applicant must be a member of the EFAS.
The application must be done till June 30th.

541 Views 07 April 2023

GFFC-EFAS Travelling Fellowship - New deadline for applications : 30th of September

The GFFC with the sponsoring of EFAS is giving an excellent opportunity to a fellow to spend three weeks in three major Foot and Ankle Centers in Germany.

This way you can participate in top level surgery and contact with the patient care done in these centers. If you are a EFAS member, don’t hesitate to apply for this excellent opportunity.

344 Views 22 July 2022

BOFAS-EFAS Young Foot & Ankle Surgeon Forum

BOFAS-EFAS Young Surgeon Forum is an all-day pre-EFAS Congress event in Edinburgh on Wednesday, 26/10/22. This highly informative educational event would be an academic feast for the young foot and ankle surgeons across UK and Europe.


350 Views 09 June 2022

GFFC-EFAS Travelling Fellowship

The GFFC with the sponsoring of EFAS is giving an excellent opportunity to a fellow to spend three weeks in three major Foot and Ankle Centers in Germany.

This way you can participate in top level surgery and contact with the patient care done in these centers. If you are a EFAS member, don’t hesitate to apply for this excellent opportunity.

See more details on EFAS website > Clinical Fellowships.

530 Views 28 April 2022