Winners of 2023 EFAS Research Grant

1. EFAS Research Foundation-Medartis Research Grant for Foot & Ankle Arthrosis: Dr. Alessio Bernasconi

2. EFAS Research Foundation-Medartis Research Grant for any Foot & Ankle Disorders: Dr. Sarah Johnson-Lynn

3. EFAS Presidential Prize: Dr. Jitendra Mangwani


EFAS Grants and Prizes

    • Deadline to apply: September 30, 2024
  • EFAS Research Foundation-MEDARTIS Research Grant for "Foot & Ankle Arthrosis": 5000.- Euros, organized by EFAS RESEARCH FOUNDATION in cooperation with MEDARTIS
    • Deadline to apply: September 30, 2024
  • EFAS Research Foundation-MEDARTIS Research Grant for any "Foot & Ankle Disorders": 5000.- Euros, organized by EFAS RESEARCH FOUNDATION in cooperation with MEDARTIS
    • Deadline to apply: September 30, 2024
  • EFAS Research Fellowship Award: 2000.- Euros for maximum 6 months, organized by the EFAS FELLOWSHIP COMMITTEE - Check the fellowship page for more info
    • Deadline to apply: September 11, 2024
  • EFAS Resident Conference Traveling Award: 1000.- Euros per winner, 5 winners, organized by the EFAS REASEARCH COMMITTEE and the EFAS YOUTH COMMITTEE
    • Deadline to apply: September 11, 2024

EFAS Presidential Prize

The “EFAS Presidential Prize” is a prestigious prize of EFAS for a finished scientific/research project. The prize is awarded with 5000.-Euros.

The project has to be finished and submitted with a classic scientific paper. The submitted projects will be evaluated by the EFAS Research Committee. The authors of the three best written applications will then be invited to present their project orally at the EFAS Conference The best written and oral work will be the winner of the prize. The paper of the winning project will be published - as submitted to the prize competition and with publication warranty- in the indexed EFAS scientific Journal “Foot and Ankle Surgery”:

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EFAS Research Foundation - MEDARTIS RESEARCH GRANTS for Foot and Ankle Arthrosis and Disorders

The “MEDARTIS RESEARCH GRANT for Foot and Ankle Arthrosis” and the “MEDARTIS RESEARCH GRANT for Foot and Ankle Disorders” are prizes of EFAS for unfinished scientific/research projects. Both prizes are awarded with 5000.-Euros.

The grant is intended to cover some costs so that the research project can proceed at a high quality level. The grant is mainly to cover equipment costs and other lab expenses. But it can also be used to cover costs for statistical support or data management.

Rules for applying:

  1. The applicant and/or the senior researcher must be a member of EFAS.
  2. The applicant must be the first author of the project.
  3. The application form must be completed and sent to the EFAS Research Committee through the EFAS Secretariat
  4. The research project has to be original.
  5. The research project has not to be published or to be accepted for publication in a peer reviewed journal.
  6.  The research project has to be approved by a Medical ethical committee, if applicable.
  7. The research projects will be evaluated by members of the EFAS Research Committee.
  8. The authors have to report to the EFAS Research Committee at the end of the project of annually.
  9. If the project is not finalized, the authors have to reimburse back the money to the EFAS RESEARCH FOUNDATION.
  10. The results have to be published their main original work as abstract in the EFAS International Congress and as full original publication in the journal of EFAS: Foot and Ankle Surgery.

The authors are allowed to present their abstracts in other conferences or to publish a second original paper in an other scientific journal.

Presentations and publications have to label at the end this: “This study was supported by EFAS RESEARCH FOUNDATION-MEDARTIS RESEARCH GRANT”. 

The EFAS Research Committee will select the best research project from all the research projects. The researcher will be informed by EFAS that his research project has been selected for the Research EFAS-Grant. The Research EFAS-Grant will be also given as diploma during the EFAS Research Award session in the EFAS annual events.

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EFAS Research Fellowship Award

  • This is a totally new fellowship program from EFAS.  A short-term fellowship (3 to 6 months focused on academic research) will be offered in a research center in Europe supported by EFAS.  EFAS strategy in the future is to support research because research is the cornerstone of clinical excellence.  2000.- Euros per year for maximum 6 months, organized by the EFAS FELLOWSHIP COMMITTEE - Check our EFAS Research fellowship page for more information

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EFAS Resident Conference Traveling Award

  • EFAS Research Foundation have created this year this new award in order to help resident though all over Europe and the world to come to our EFAS annual event. The Research Foundation will give a 1000.- Euros per winner to 5 young residents. It's organized by the EFAS REASEARCH COMMITTEE and the EFAS YOUTH COMMITTEE.

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Winners of 2021 EFAS Research Grant Awards

1. EFAS Research Foundation-Medartis Research Grant for Foot & Ankle Arthrosis: Dr. Peter Kvarda

2. EFAS Research Foundation-Medartis Research Grant for any Foot & Ankle Disorders: Dr. Bedri Karaismailoglu

3. EFAS Presidential Prize: Dr. Kar Teoh

Winners of 2020 EFAS Research Grant Awards

1. EFAS Research Foundation-Medartis Research Grant for Foot & Ankle Arthrosis: Dr. Bernhard Devos

2. EFAS Research Foundation-Medartis Research Grant for any Foot & Ankle Disorders: Dr. Frederick Michels

3. EFAS Presidential Prize: Dr. Kirill Mikhaylov